Yesterday my visiting teacher called to set up an appointment and heard my ongoing cough. She called another fours times during the day to convince me to go see the doctor. I finally broke down and called for an appointment only to be told that the nurses were out of the office and the receptionist could not make an appointment until they returned from lunch. Don’t they know what it took for me to make the call in the first place? I will not go to the doctor unless I am on my death bed, which my loving visiting teacher said I was at. Upon returning home from running kids to various places I saw that the doctors office had tried to call. I gave up and called them back and hung up with an appointment for this morning. I had figured they would tell me to come in next week to which I would have said never mind. Maybe my wonderful visiting teacher called them to let them know they had better get me in. I doubt it, but she has a way to getting you to do what she says. It must be a mom thing that I have not perfected yet, and she must have had a lot of practice.
I went to my appointment today to find that I have a sinus infection and a lung infection and was given a prescription for some really powerful antibiotics. Also the good doctor told me I needed lots of rest. I actually started laughing. Who has time for rest? He flat out told me no more running for at least a couple of days. He was being very serious so I did not point out that this would really upset my schedule to meet my goal by the end of the year. I still have 150 miles to go. Instead I turned red and agreed to take it easy. I guess there will be no alarm going off in my house tomorrow morning at 5:15 am, it will just go off at 6:15. There, problem solved. I get an extra hour of rest for the next couple of days. So I went about the rest of my day, running kids around, doing shopping, taking care of dinner. During my running around I stopped by Walmart to pick up my medication only to be told that they were having trouble processing my insurance and I would have to come back later. Again, do they not know that I am the kind of person who will just say forget it. I don’t really need these drugs, and I don’t have the time to bother with this nonsense. I know reading this my wonderfully caring visiting teacher is about ready to come and march me back to the pharmacy. She did call tonight to find out what the doctor had said and made me promise to get some rest. I reminded her of the Halloween activity I am helping to plan for Saturday and a myriad of other responsibilities. She asked if I needed dinners and someone to take the kids. Oh how well she knows me. She know that I will not take it easy, or take a break as long as there is work to be done. This poor gal is just recovering herself from this same infection and is trying to take care of all my responsibilies too so that I get some rest. I really am lucky to have such a wonderful and caring visiting teacher who is not above bullying to get me to take it easy. So instead I sit here on the computer at 9:15 in the evening instead of sitting at my sewing machine getting some much needed work done and waiting for Chad to get back from a meeting. Oh the drama!
On a lighter note, I have to post the school pictures my friend Amy took for the kids this year. Doing homeschool doesn’t offer the opportunity of school pictures to hang on my wall, so when she offered to take the kids pictures I jump at the chance. They turned out super cute, I really love the one of Kaylin. My favorite though is with all the kids together. They look very natural like they pose for this kind of picture all the time. They are all growing up so fast, I am glad that I get pictures once in a while to save this moment.