Sunday, September 26, 2010

Filling our days

It has been a busy week, but I can’t remember a week that wasn’t.  I am fairly confident that if I was not busy I would turn in circles looking for something to do and just go nuts.  As it is I still turn in circles to keep up with it all, and there are plenty of nutty days.

This week we have pushed the school work.  The girls are doing a writing class with a group of other 9 to 11 year old homeschoolers.  My friend Amy is working with them using The Institute for Excellence in Writing.   They meet on Mondays to read their essays, and begin assignments for the next week.  Every couple of weeks we all watch a video lesson to get them started off on a new lesson concept.  It has been great for the kids to keep them on track for the week, and great for me to give them some direction. 

They also participate in a Young Statemens Book Club, also hosted by Amy. (check it out) Yes, she seems to be one of those Super Home School Moms, and she helps inspire me.  Their first book club meeting was this past Wednesday, and the kids were all super excited.  I think they were more excited for the pizza party to kick off the book club year, but still really excited.  And they all loved the book.  We read Hatchet by Gary Paulsen, and the kids started thinking about how they would survive it they were alone in the wilderness.   It was great to see them start to think about it and put them selves into the book.

Each day there is always the challenge of getting chores and school work done while maintaining positive attitudes.  Most days that is hard, but there are some where they get it, and just get to it on their own.  Those are the days I live for, when I know that I am making a difference.  Other days just get packed with stuff and there is little we can do but keep going.  Those days school books get packed along with us and we fit it all in where we can. 

Tomorrow will be one of the days.  I am going to be bottling meat out at a friends house.  The idea of bottled meat might sound strange, but it is really very good.  I love seeing my shelves filled with bottles, it give me a reassuring feeling to know that we have food ready to eat.  You can eat the meat straight out of the bottle, it is all cooked and perfectly preserved.  Often we use it in tacos, soup, or sandwiches.  Now Melanie has become a fan of bottling, so we have set a goal to work on something each week.  In no time we should both have some packed shelves. 

This is just one of my many projects this week, and each day seems to get filled up.  I am trying to train for a 1/2 marathon in a couple of weeks.  So each morning the alarm goes off at 5:15 and I get up to run on the treadmill for an hour.  It does help me get a good start for the day, but I am usually pretty worn out by the time 3:00 hits.  It has become a good habit though, and one that I hope I can maintain.

One night we rode our bikes down to the playground before dark.  It is nice that we don’t have to worry so much about bed time.  One of the many perks about home school.   Days like these I really enjoy what we do.

September 17 022September 17 025  September 17 032      September 17 030  September 17 016

  So now I should head off to bed so it can all start over again tomorrow.  There is always too much to do, and too little time. 

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